Friday: Note to self – no matter how much rosé looks and tastes like pink lemonade it is not pink lemonade it is still bloody wine. Over comsumption of rosé followed by a wine cocktail and then some white wine will lead to a stonking great hangover.
Saturday: Several hours in bed with a savage headache is not a good way to spend half a bank holiday Saturday. In addition to a long shower, only the restorative powers of chicken noodle soup and slowly toasted bread can make me feel human again.

Saturday Night: I’ve wanted to see Jack L live for a while and my luck was in on Saturday night when he played the Lodge in Mallow. I didn’t even mind the crappy drive to Mallow in the horrible rain because he was excellent. He has a truly yummy voice and a great band. A very entertaining evening was had despite having an overfriendly and annoying person sitting in front of us. (The crowd curse is back)

Sunday Night: Watched Star Wars IV – A New Hope, still a good movie and you gotta love the light sabers. I had forgotten a lot of the film because the last time I saw it was about ten years ago when it was re-released in the cinema. It was good to see the bickering between Solo and Skywalker but why did Princess Leia spend most of the film not wearing a bra?
Monday: Took a walk around Courtmacsherry and got to look at an exhibition of local amateur artists, some of the paintings were really good.