Monday, July 30, 2007
Save Studio 60

Friday, July 27, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
What's Your Dosha?
Your Dosha is Pitta |
You have a quick mind, a gift for persuasion, and a sharp sense of humor. You have both the drive and people skills to be a very successful leader. Argumentative and a bit stubborn, you have been known to be a little too set in your ways. But while you may be biased toward your own point of view, you are always honest, fair, and ethical. With friends: You are outgoing and open to anyone who might want to talk to you In love: You are picky but passionate To achieve more balance: Be less judgmental of those around you, and take cool walks in the moonlight. |
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Ayurveda and Dosha

People with more Vata in their constitutions tend to be thin, with a slender frame and prominent joints, delicate skin that is naturally dry, and dry voluminous hair. They are quick and lively in thought, speech and action, and make friends easily. There is an element of airiness to their step, a quality of lightness in their laughter. Change is usually their second name. They are light sleepers and gravitate towards warm environments. Creativity and enthusiasm are hallmarks of balanced Vata.
People with more Pitta in their constitutions tend to be of medium proportions, with a frame that is neither petite nor heavy, warm skin that is very fair or ruddy and may be sensitive, and fine hair that tends towards premature graying or thinning. They are sharp and determined in thought, speech and action. There is an element of purpose to their step, an intensity to their voice. Ambition is usually their second name. They are moderate sleepers and gravitate towards cooler environments. Self-confidence and an entrepreneurial spirit are hallmarks of balanced Pitta.
People with more Kapha in their constitutions tend to be of larger proportions, with a robust frame and padded joints, thick smooth skin that may tend towards oiliness, and rich, wavy hair. They are stable and calm in thought, speech and action, and are easy-going and supportive in relationships. There is an element of steadiness to their step, a quality of serenity in their smile. Loyalty is usually their second name. They are long, heavy sleepers and uncomfortable in damp, clammy environments. Calm and sweetness of disposition are hallmarks of balanced Kapha.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Paris, je t’aime

Dictionary Corner # 2
Friday, July 20, 2007
West Cork Animal Welfare Group

Quote of the Week
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Irish and English Males ‘Most House Proud’

The league table of European house proud men looks like:
Nationality and Average Weekly Time Spent Cleaning
Irish Men - 7 hours
English Men - 7 hours
Danish - 5 hours
Dutch - 5 hours
Finnish - 5 hours
Swedish - 5 hours
Bulgarian - 4 hours
Romanian - 4 hours
Polish - 3 hours
Czech - 3 hours
Latvian - 3 hours
Lithuanian - 3 hours
Slovak - 3 hours
Turkish - least likely to do any cleaning
Croatian - least likely to do any cleaning
The survey also showed that across all countries women spend at least twice as much time cleaning and doing housework compared with their male counterparts. In addition the survey reported that on average Irish women spend 17 hours a week cleaning their homes.
What Kind of Coffee Are You?
You are a Black Coffee |
At your best, you are: low maintenance, friendly, and adaptable At your worst, you are: cheap and angsty You drink coffee when: you can get your hands on it Your caffeine addiction level: high |
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Nationwide Mercury Prize 2007

Each year a selection of the best British or Irish albums of the previous 12 months are nominated for the prize. Past winners include Arctic Monkeys with ‘Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not’ in 2006 and Antony and the Johnsons with ‘I Am a Bird Now’ in 2005.
The nominations for this year’s Mercury prize are as follows:
Arctic Monkeys - Favourite Worst Nightmare
Dizzee Rascal - Maths And English
The View - Hats Off To The Buskers
Maps - We Can Create
Bat For Lashes - Fur And Gold
Klaxons - Myths Of The Near Future
Jamie T - Panic Prevention
The Young Knives - Voices Of Animals And Men
Fionn Regan - The End Of History
Basquiat Strings with Seb Rochford - Basquiat Strings
Amy Winehouse - Back To Black
New Young Pony Club - Fantastic Playroom
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Twentysomething Survey

Monday, July 16, 2007
Visitors at My Door

Friday, July 13, 2007
Die Hard 4.0

What Colour Flower Are You?
You Are a Purple Flower |
A purple flower tends to represent success, grace, and elegance. At times, you are faithful like a violet. And other times, you represent luxury, like a wisteria. And more than you wish, you find yourself heartbroken like a lilac. |
Quote of the Week
Thursday, July 12, 2007
BellX1 in the Big Blue Tent

Before the band came on we were treated to an animated presentation about the band in the style of the A – Team. It was very funny and the crowd seemed to get a kick out of it. Enthusiasm was rife as the band took to the stage but Paul took this enthusiasm to a new level when he almost strangled himself with the microphone lead during one of the early songs. Later on he invited everyone in the big blue tent to sing along with them for the song ‘Flame’ and the crowd duly obliged.
Duran Duran and Slayer had played in the Marquee the previous week and Paul asked the crowd if anybody had been at either of those concerts. He then started to tell a made up story about a Duran Duran fan and a Slayer fan in the lead up to the song ‘Lampposts’. I’m glad to say that many of my favourites were played during the night but alas ‘Still selling shoes wasn’t one of them. Hopefully I’ll get to hear it at their next gig whenever that may be (answers on a postcard please). For once Ratgirl and I were not surrounded by freaks at the gig which was a refreshing experience!
Dictionary Corner

Revert is a word that puzzles me, it gets used frequently in business correspondence and I think it gets used incorrectly. I came across a piece in last Saturday’s Irish Times magazine in the ‘What’s Hot / What’s Cold’ section that read ‘Please revert’ - Bizarre misuse of the word, appearing with growing frequency, as in “Please leave a message and I will revert to you on my return”. How do you plan to do that, then?
So the correct dictionary definition for ‘revert’ taken from the compact Oxford English dictionary is:
Revert – verb, (revert to)
1. Return to a previous state, practice or belief
2. Biology, the action of an organism returning to a former or ancestral type
3. The legal right, especially of the original owner, to possess or succeed to property when the present possessor dies or a lease ends
ORIGIN Latin revertere ‘turn back’
Friday, July 6, 2007
Nine Words Women Use

(2) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
(3) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
(4) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!
(5) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing).
(6) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
(7) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just say you're welcome.
(8) Whatever: Is a women's way of saying F@!K YOU!
(9) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking "What's wrong?" For the woman's response refer to # 3.
Shrek the Third

Quote of the Week
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